油菜黑缝叶(Entomoscelis orientalisMolschulsky),俗名油菜金花虫,属鞘翅目叶科。此虫能危害油菜、白菜、萝卜、芥菜和荠菜等10多种十字花科植物。在早春油菜返青期,幼虫危害最重,受害油菜一般减产10—20%,严重地块达30—50%,如果防治不及时,往往造成毁种绝收。一、形态特征成虫:卵圆形,前胸背板黄褐色,中间有一大黑斑,两侧各有一小圆形黑斑。小盾片
Rape black stump leaf (Entomoscelis orientalisMolschulsky), the common name of Rape golden flower insects, is a Coleoptera leaf family. This insect can harm rape, cabbage, radish, mustard and shepherd’s purse and other 10 kinds of cruciferous plants. In early spring rapeseed rejuvenation period, the larval hardest hit the rape, the yield reduction 10-20%, 30-50% of the block, if the prevention and treatment is not timely, often resulting in deforestation. First, the morphological characteristics Adult: oval, yellowish brown chest back, in the middle of a large dark spot, each side has a small circular black spots. Small shield piece