在概念如柳絮漫天飞舞案名似川剧变脸频繁的北京楼市,“原创别墅”能挺住多久?在京城别墅市场开发如炉火销售如温吞水的现在,“原创别墅”能否点石成金? 3月31日,首开中外房地产媒体直接对话先河的“2004中法房地产记者全球独立式住宅流行趋势交流与对话”中,一个新鲜词语第一次出现:原创别墅,并很快被认同。
In the concept such as catkins sky flying like the name of Sichuan Opera changing face frequently Beijing property market, “original villa ” can hold for how long? In the capital villa market development such as fire sales such as lukewarm now, “original villa ” In March 31st, the first direct dialogue between Chinese and foreign real estate media precedent “2004 China and France real estate reporter global freestanding home exchange and dialogue ”, a fresh words for the first time: original villa, and very Almost recognized.