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进入到新世纪以来,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,我国的各行各业都得到了快速的发展,石油企业也必须是以经济效益为经营核心的,油气勘探项目投入产出具有较高的风险性和一定的特殊性,并且决定油气勘探的决策是否是经济可行的因素也并不是技术评价,而是经济评价。在对油气勘探项目进行经济评价的过程中,其首先需要解决的问题就是油气储量的商品化,只有解决了这一问题,才能准确的预测出勘探的产出。通常情况下,油气勘探项目可以选择的经济评价方法有很多,如内部收益法、投资回收期法以及净现值法等,并且在对油气勘探项目进行经济评价时,既要进行国民经济评价,也要进行财务评价。本文便对准确的确定油气勘探项目的投入和产出、油气储量商品化的重要影响、油气勘探项目经济评价的方法以及油气勘探项目的财务评价和国民经济评价四个方面的内容进行了详细的分析和探讨,从而详细的讨论了油气勘探经济评价中的相关问题。 Since entering the new century, with the constant improvement of the socialist market economic system in our country, all walks of life in our country have witnessed rapid development. The petroleum enterprises must also take economic benefits as the core of their operations. The input and output of oil and gas exploration projects have High risk and certain particularity, and it is not the technical evaluation, but the economic evaluation that decides whether the decision of oil and gas exploration is economically viable. In the process of economic evaluation of oil and gas exploration projects, the first problem to be solved is the commercialization of oil and gas reserves. Only by solving this problem can we accurately predict the output of exploration. In general, there are many economic evaluation methods that can be selected for oil and gas exploration projects, such as the internal return method, the payback period method and the net present value method. In economic evaluation of oil and gas exploration projects, it is necessary to carry out national economic evaluation, Also have financial evaluation. This article will detail the four aspects of accurately determining the investment and output of oil and gas exploration projects, the important influence of the commercialization of oil and gas reserves, the methods of economic evaluation of oil and gas exploration projects and the financial evaluation and national economic evaluation of oil and gas exploration projects Analysis and discussion, so as to discuss in detail the relevant issues in the economic evaluation of oil and gas exploration.
在无线非对称环境下,事务处理遇到了新的挑战. 本文在仔细分析带来这一挑战的种种原因之后,试图提出一种适应于上述新特点的事务处理模式.
本文用硫酸水解微晶纤维素来制备纳米纤维素(nanocrystalline cellulose,以下简称为NCC).通过正交试验方法确定了硫酸水解法制备纳米纤维素的最佳反应条件,并通过粒径分析、XRD
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回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield