【摘 要】
The development level of the service industry is an important indicator to measure the level of economic and social development and the optimization of the econ
【机 构】
National Academy of Economic Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China
The development level of the service industry is an important indicator to measure the level of economic and social development and the optimization of the economic structure.As the status of the service industry in the Chinese economy is increasing,it is playing a more important role in boosting economic growth,promoting employment and adjusting the economic structure.China is facing an unprecedented opportunity to develop its service industry.There is vast potential for the future development of producer services,consumer services,and new service industries.Development of a modem service industry should be oriented toward strategies to foster industrial convergence and industrial clustering,boosting creativity and openness.The authorities need to abolish over-regulations on finance,taxation,investment,land and talents,facilitating the development of service industry.
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