发生于高州市石鼓镇石鼓管理区的一宗鱼塘污染案,从案发到终审判决历时二年多,牵涉环保、水产、渔政、物价,法院多个部门,虽然只赔偿二万多元,但法院一审、二审作出截然不同的判决,使人有峰回路转、柳暗花明的感觉。广东省高级人民法院举办案件审判研讨班时,曾把此案列为典型的环境污染案进行研究。一、污染事故起因 1994年6月8日,茂名地区遭受强台风袭击,并带来大暴雨。此后
A case of fish pond pollution that occurred in Shek Kwu Management Area, Shigu Town, Gaozhou City, took more than two years from the filing to the final judgment involving environmental protection, fisheries, fisheries administration, prices and various departments of the court although it only compensated 20,000 Multiple, but the Court of First Instance, the second instance to make a completely different decision, so that people have their own way, the illusion of feeling. Guangdong Higher People’s Court held a case trial seminar, the case was listed as a typical case of environmental pollution research. First, the causes of pollution accidents June 8, 1994, Maoming area was hit by a strong typhoon and brought heavy rain. After that