The extract of saponin after the ginger ginger dregs as the main raw material, by adding beneficial microorganisms, potassium humate, zeolite powder and other materials to study the fermentation of bio-organic fertilizer raw materials and ratio. The results showed that 50% of yellow ginger dregs, 21% of zeolite powder, 17.5% of soybean cake, 10% of superphosphate, 1% of potassium humate and 0.5% of brown sugar added a small amount of Bacillus megaterium, EM bacteria, fermentation at 30 ~ 42 ℃ environment for 20 days to obtain the finished fermentation products, tested in line with bio-organic fertilizer standards. The bio-organic fertilizer obtained through the method has the advantages of low production cost, reduced pollution caused by dregs on the environment and transformation of the dregs into treasure.