1工程目的 永定河滞洪水库位于卢沟桥以下永定河稻田及马厂河段内,距北京市市区约 20km。水库的主要任务是防洪,控制永定河官厅山峡的洪水,使永定河发生100年一遇洪水时,刘庄子口门不分洪;同时减少大宁水库向小清河分洪区的分洪水量,解决右岸长辛店地区及小清河
1 Project Purpose The Yongding River detention flood reservoir is located within the Yongding River paddy and Machang reach below the Lugouqiao, about 20km away from downtown Beijing. The main task of the reservoir is flood control and control of the Yongding River Guanting Gorge flood, Yongding River occurred 100 years of floods, Liu Zhuangzi mouth does not flood; at the same time reduce the Daning Reservoir Xiaoqing flood diversion flood diversion area to solve the right bank Chang Xindian area and Xiaoqing River