树先进 立标杆 全国质检系统第一届道德模范和践行社会主义核心价值观先进人物受到表彰

来源 :中国质量技术监督 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BNBNBN668
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日前,全国质检系统第一届道德模范和践行社会主义核心价值观先进人物受到表彰。通过自下而上推荐提名、评选小组遴选候选人、组织公示并集体投票等程序,质检总局党组决定,授予汪婷等10名同志“全国质量监督检验检疫系统第一届道德模范”称号,授予宋诚本等30名同志“全国质量监督检验检疫系统践行社会主义核心价值观先进人物”称号。总局党组希望受到表彰的道德模范和先进人物,珍惜荣誉、谦虚谨慎、戒骄戒躁、再接再厉,在落实中央“八项规定”、密切党群关系和推进质量强国建设中更好的发挥引领和表率作用。 Recently, the first moral character of the national quality inspection system and the advanced people who practiced the core values ​​of socialism were honored. Through the bottom-up nomination, selection panel selection of candidates, organizing public announcement and collective voting procedures, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Party decided to grant Wang Ting and other 10 guts “the first national quality supervision, inspection and quarantine system moral model Title, granted to Song Chengben and other 30 comrades ”national quality supervision, inspection and quarantine system to practice the advanced socialist core values ​​“ title. The party chiefs of the State Administration Bureau want to be praised for honoring their moral models and advanced figures, cherishing their honor, being modest and cautious, guarding their arrogance and imposing their duties, and making greater efforts to implement the ”8 Rules of the Central Government", close the party-masses relations and promote the building of a strong nation with quality Lead and model role.
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