1艾克和夏威夷的中国家具古斯塔夫·艾克博士(Dr.Gustav Ecke,1896-1971)在中国居住过二十六年,他先是在福建的厦门大学担任教授,之后执教于北京的清华大学,随后又到北京的天主教辅仁大学任教。在这其间,艾克学习,研究和整理了大量的有关中国艺术的知识和资料。他是“中国营造学社”的会员,并且是“华裔学志”的创办人之一,该
1 Ike and Hawaii’s Chinese furniture Dr. Gustav Ecke (1896-1971) lived in China for twenty-six years. He started as a professor at Xiamen University in Fujian Province and later coached at Beijing Tsinghua University, then went to Catholic Fu Jen Catholic University in Beijing. In the meantime, Ike studied, researched and compiled a great deal of knowledge about Chinese art and materials. He is a member of China Association for the Study of Chinese Learning and one of the founders of Chinese-American Studies.