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中国与菲律宾的交往历史悠久。见于史籍和出土文物,两国间从7世纪的唐代起就有交往关系。10世纪的宋代起,中菲有商业贸易关系,中国输入菲律宾的各种商品有药材和医疗器具(瓷药壶)。如明代后期,中国商船运去胡椒、肉桂、丁香等药材。1772年,吕宋商人郎安敦、牛黎美亚等带领商船来厦门,运回土茶、药材等土产。16世纪中叶,西班牙殖民者到菲律宾时,已看到许多华侨在菲生息。1581年在马尼拉已有华侨 China and the Philippines have a long history of engagement. Found in historical records and cultural relics unearthed between the two countries from the Tang Dynasty in the 7th century has had relations. Since the Song Dynasty in the 10th century, China and the Philippines have had commercial and trade relations. Various commodities imported from the Philippines into the Philippines include medicinal herbs and medical devices (porcelain jugs). As the late Ming Dynasty, China’s merchant shipping to pepper, cinnamon, clove and other herbs. In 1772, merchants of Luzon, such as Lang An-t’un and Niu Mei-mei, led the merchant ships to Xiamen and shipped back native products such as teas and herbs. When the Spanish colonists arrived in the Philippines in the mid-16th century, many overseas Chinese had seen their presence in the Philippines. In 1581 there were overseas Chinese in Manila