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纵观闻一多一生漫长阶段的探索,他之政治思想和文艺思想历程的巨大反差即从艺术的忠臣转变为人民的忠臣,从绅士转变为斗士,从对国家主义崇奉到对人民至上呼喊这种根本性转变,就较之鲁迅在知识分子中更具典型意义。因为,闻一多转变的认识意义超越了他个人的范围而成为人们认识社会存在决定社会意识的象征。因此,我们纪念闻一多,作为知识分子就要学习他爱祖国爱人民的崇高精神和最终愿意跟着中国共产党走而为人民根本利益勇于赴汤蹈火的不怕牺牲精神,作为各级政府则应汲取闻一多转变的经验和教训,坚持三个代表重要思想,努力落实科学发展观,提高执政为民的能力。这就是闻一多被“逼上梁山”留给我们今天的深远思考。 Looking at the long period of Wen Yiduo’s exploration, the great contrast between his political thoughts and the literary and art thinking process has shifted from the loyalty of the arts to the loyalty of the people, from gentlemen to fighters, from religious beliefs in the state of affairs to the supremacy of the people The fundamental transformation of Lu Xun is more typical of intellectuals than Lu Xun. This is because the recognition of Wen Yiduo’s transformation transcends his personal scope and becomes the symbol of people’s understanding of social existence and social consciousness. Therefore, we must remember Wen Yiduo, as an intellectual, to learn the lofty spirit of loving the motherland and love the people and finally be willing to sacrifice spirit of going along with the Chinese Communist Party and courage in going down to the fundamental interests of the people as a government at all levels. More changes in experience and lessons, adhere to the important thought of Three Represents, and strive to implement the scientific concept of development, improve the ability to rule for the people. This is what Wen Yiduo was “forced onto the mountain” to leave us with far-reaching thoughts today.