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“诗有内外意”和“张力说”是中西文论中两个重要术语。“诗有内外意”是中国唐宋时期出现的一个诗歌批评范畴,“张力说”是英美新批评学派20世纪30年代提出的一个批评术语。本文将深入分析二者的外延与内涵,并以此来探索二者的同质与差异。作为不同文化观念中的产物,两者产生的时空命名语境不同,在“体系与本体选择”、“批评文体”和“批评旨趣”等方面存在巨大的差异,但它们都属于意蕴论及形式论范畴,因此在具体批评范畴和批评方法上又有诸多相通之处。它们都推崇诗意的丰富复杂,追求语言的活力与能量,崇尚比喻的新奇与独特。 “Poetry has internal and external meaning ” and “tension is said ” is the two important terms in Chinese and Western literary theory. “Poetry has both internal and external meaning ” is a category of poetry criticism that appeared during the Tang and Song Dynasties in China. “Tension is ” is a critical term proposed by the Anglo-American criticism school in the 1930s. This article will deeply analyze the extension and connotation of the two, and explore the homogeneity and difference between the two. As a product of different cultural conceptions, the spatiotemporal naming contexts produced by the two differ greatly, and there are huge differences in terms of “system and ontology selection”, “critical style” and “critical interest”, but they All belong to the categories of meaning theory and formalism. Therefore, there are many similarities between the specific categories of criticism and the methods of criticism. They both advocate the rich and complex poetic, the pursuit of language vitality and energy, respect the novelty and unique metaphor.
本文主要讲述两位教师在面对教室卫生问题时所采取的不同处理方法,笔者由此引发的对惩罚教育和体罚的一点思考,惩罚教育的意义以及在实施惩罚教育中需要注意的问题。 This a
在汽车进入普通家庭之后,发达国家也面临堵车的烦恼,以下是国外城市采取种种缓解堵车问题的招数。   ◆华盛顿:官员通勤乘公交   在华盛顿工作的美国联邦政府官员大多住在与华盛顿特区相邻的三个州的小镇上,如果他们每天开几十公里车到华盛顿上班的话,通向华盛顿的几十条公路都会堵车。因此,规定美国联邦政府官员不得驾私车出入首都。于是,联邦政府拟定用公交工具接送代替个人开车的计划,使部分人放弃自己开车,改由公