In order to accurately obtain the shooting speed of a banner camera and the scanning speed of a streak camera, the speed of the mirror must be accurately measured during shooting. A high precision digital measurement method based on digital signal processor (DSP) and field programmable gate array (FPGA) is proposed. DSP and FPGA using high-speed serial peripheral interface (SPI) communication, DSP according to the rotary mirror speed changes automatically pre-set the appropriate FPGA gate time, the FPGA count the buffer speed measurement data sent to the DSP processing, and then by the DSP serial Port sent to the computer for real-time display. FPGA logic unit with 32-bit and preset time gate variable, effectively prevent the data overflow, improve the speed range and accuracy; high-speed DSP to improve data processing speed, to ensure real-time. The results of system simulation and practical engineering shows that this design is feasible, the speed accuracy can reach 0.0001% and the speed range can be 3 ~ 3 × 108r / min.