A Persistent Headache

来源 :BEIJING REVIEW | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:menangchen
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  In the three years since the U.S.-led inva-sion of Iraq, the Middle Eastern countryhas endured continuous violence andturbulence, and the security situationappears to be worsening as the yeardraws to a close.
On January 9, the JapaneseGovernment established a newministry——the Defense Ministry—formally changing the militarystructure that had been in place forthe last half-century.
To those few businessmen relativelyunplugged from the era of theInternet, online gaming should stillstart to mean something.
The United Nations moved into a newhistorical era when Ban Ki Moontook the reins of the world body atthe start of the new year.
Duke Alexander: Like other globalstock exchanges, the Deutsche Boerse AGexperienced a stock market bubble in2001, and in 2003 there was not a singleIPO.
At a recent dress rehearsal of the open-ing scene of Tan Dun’s much antici-paled The First Emperor,the com-poser-conductor addresses theAmerican singers on stage from thepit:“This is not Wagner,it’s C
The year 2007 marks the 35thanniversary of the establishment ofSino-Japanese diplomatic relations.
Considering the Chinese Govern-ment's push to develop the country-side—and its own history—Wal-Mart may want to consider moreaggressive expansions into ruralChina.
Energy consumption reduction isworking, but too slowly. China'senergy consumption per unit of theGDP dropped by 1.23 percent in2006 from the previous year, accord-ing to a report released by the Natio
March 16 wimessed the approvalof the landmark Property Lawat the annual session of theNational People's Congress(NPC). This is the first time thatequal protection to state and private proper-ties has
As an Australian expat teachingEnglish in China for over fouryears, I often encourage mystudents to not only learn theEnglish language but also tryto understand Western culture.