2003年10月,集装箱船“Sea Elegance”轮驶离南非的德班港不久,船上就发生爆炸并起火。根据南非海事安全局(SAMSA)的调查结果,这是又一起涉及未申报的危险货物calcium hypochlo-rite(货名漂粉精,学名次氯酸钙)装载在集装箱中的事故。这次事故中,由于集装箱中漂粉精堆积得很紧,货物自然变化中产生的热量积聚起来,造成
In October 2003, shortly after the vessel “Sea Elegance” sailed off Durban Harbor in South Africa, an explosion and fire broke out on board. According to a survey by the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA), another incident involving the shipment of undeclared calcium hypochlo-rite (hypophosphite) calcium hypochlorite in a container. In this incident, because of the accumulation of bleaching powder in the container, the heat generated in the natural changes of the cargo accumulates, resulting in