为了解海南地区进行仿刺参养殖的可行性,在海南琼海进行了仿刺参苗种中间培育、养成和度夏研究。苗种中间培育时,不同规格仿刺参的生长速度均较快,绝对生长率呈逐渐增加趋势,规格越大绝对生长率越高,但是苗种规格越大个体增重率越小,最小增重率为(317.88±73.2)%;苗种规格越大成活率越高,成活率变动范围为(39.3±4.8)%~(53.7±8.7)%。经过105 d养成后,投喂天然饵料的仿刺参大约是投喂人工饵料刺参的3倍体重,而投喂两种饵料的仿刺参成活率约为60%、彼此间没有显著差异;投喂人工饵料仿刺参的绝对生长率基本恒定,而投喂天然饵料的仿刺参绝对生长率呈现迅速增加的趋势,而且后者至少是前者的2.32倍。度夏结束时仿刺参平均体重均显著下降,至少减少了56.23%;仿刺参度夏时成活率最高仅为(46.4±3.4)%,而且仿刺参室内度夏的成活率明显高于室外度夏仿刺参,大规格仿刺参的成活率略高于小规格仿刺参。因此,在海南地区适宜的季节可以进行南北接力养殖仿刺参。
In order to understand the feasibility of Hainan sea cucumber ginseng breeding, in Hainan Qionghai imitation of acanthopanax seeding cultivation, development and summer. When the seed was cultured in the middle, the growth rate of the different specifications of the sea cucumber was faster, the absolute growth rate showed a gradual increase trend, the larger the absolute growth rate, the higher the seed size, the smaller the individual weight gain rate, the minimum increase The rate of survival was (317.88 ± 73.2)%. The greater the seed size was, the higher the survival rate was and the range of survival rate was (39.3 ± 4.8)% ~ (53.7 ± 8.7)%. After 105 days of development, the artificial sea cucumber fed with natural food was about 3 times the body weight of the artificial sea cucumber fed with artificial bait, while the survival rate of the sea cucumber with the two kinds of food fed was about 60%, with no significant difference The absolute growth rate of artificial sea cucumber fed with artificial bait was almost constant, whereas the absolute growth rate of sea cucumber with sea cucumber fed with natural bait increased rapidly, and the latter was at least 2.32 times of that of the former. At the end of the summer, the average body weight of S. argenteoides decreased significantly, at least 56.23% lower. The highest survival rate of A. pricklyaria in summer was only 46.4 +/- 3.4% Outdoor degree of summer imitation sea cucumber, sea cucumbers large size survival rate slightly higher than the small size of the sea cucumber. Therefore, the suitable season in Hainan can be relay breeding north and south Imitation sea cucumber.