目的 探索新型战术战伤救治携行囊式装备的培训方法以及推广模式.方法 2014年9月-2017年9月解放军总医院急诊科运用多种模式下的相关教学,对不同军兵种、不同作战任务部队以及不同作战环境进行了新型战术战伤救治携行囊式装备的批量培训与考核.结果 通过短期强化培训,某部预选卫生士官单兵急救包考核平均成绩为90.5分、战位急救包考核平均成绩为89分、卫生员背囊考核平均成绩为91分.某部非卫生专业单兵优良率达88.5%.结论 通过规范以及多种模式的教学培训,广大官兵对新型战术战伤救治携行囊式装备的应用均可达到较为满意的效果,受客观条件限制,目前仍有部分问题存在,需要我们运用现有资源进一步改善教学培训内容及方法,取得更为满意的效果,为部队战斗力保障提供可靠的基础.“,”Objective To explore the training methods and promotion models of the new backpack equipment for treating tactical wound. Method From September 2014 to September 2017, The emergency department of PLA General Hospital used a variety of teaching models to different arms, combat missions and combat environment for a new backpack equipment for treating tactical wound. Results Through the short-term intensive training, a department of pre-selected health officer assessment of the average score of 90.5 points in officer emergency package, the average score of 89 points in first aid station package, the average score of 91 points in health staff backpack. The excellent rate of non professional individual soldiers was 88.5%. Conclusion Through the norms and a variety of models of teaching and training, the majority of officers can be achieved satisfactory results with the new backpack equipment for treating tactical wound, subject to objective conditions, there are still some problems exist, we need to use existing resources to further improve the content and methods of teaching and training to achieve a more satisfactory to provide a reliable basis for the combat effectiveness of the troops.