在应用二硫化碳 (CS2 )熏蒸香梨中有害生物的同时 ,药物二硫化碳对果实有一定的渗透性 ,并会残存在香梨中 ,对香梨的品质、人体健康会有一定影响 ,所以分析香梨中二硫化碳的残留浓度 ,对于指导熏蒸和保证顺利出口具有重要意义。1 材料与方法1 1 材料供试香梨 :新疆库尔勒
In the application of carbon disulfide (CS2) fumigating pear pests at the same time, the drug carbon disulfide on the fruit have a certain permeability, and will remain in the pear, the pear quality, human health will have some impact, so pear The residual concentration of carbon disulfide in the guide fumigation and ensure the smooth export of great significance. 1 Materials and Methods 1 1 Materials for the test Pear: Xinjiang Korla