健康文化引导健康行为,健康行为导致健康结局。我国悠久的传统养生文化是构建现代健康文化的重要思想资源,人们对健康的追求是构建健康文化的强大内在动力。构建和传播健康文化既是文化大发展大繁荣的需要,更是做好健康促进工作、变人口大国为人力资源强国的重要基础。健康文化的三大核心理念,即:健康是人的基本权利,健康是幸福生活的基础,健康是重要的人力资本;把健康文化的主要内容归纳为健康观念、健康行为和健康制度等三个方面,总结出了防重于治、养心为上、顺其自然、知行合一、合理饮食、讲究卫生、劳逸结合、适当运动、健康制度等九个方面的要点。“,”Health culture guides health behavior and the health behavior contributes to healthy condition . The traditional life‐preservation culture with a long history in China is an important ideological resource for the modern health culture construction ,and the pursuit for health is the strong internal motivation of the construction .The construction and transmission for health culture is the need of the cultural de‐velopment .Furthermore ,it is also the important foundation of the health promotion and the transfor‐mation from a big population country to strong human resource one .There are three core concepts of health culture put forward in this paper :health is a basic human right ,health is the basis of happy life , and health is an important human capital .The main contents of health culture are generalized into three aspects :health conception ,health behavior and health system ,w hich can be divided into nine points :the prevention being better than treatment ,the priority of taking care of the heart ,following nature , the unity of knowledge and action ,keeping a balanced diet ,enhancing personal hygiene ,combining work and rest ,doing proper exercises ,and health system .