1944年6月6日,盟军在诺曼底登陆,从西线发动进攻;7月4日,苏军越过波兰东部边境,向德国本土推进,法西斯德国的崩溃已成定局。于是,如同建立国际联盟曾被作为第一次世界大战的一个总结,根据1943年莫斯科会议《中苏英美关于普遍安全的宣言》,由中苏英美作为发起国,在新的基础上缔造一个新的维护世界和平的国际组织——联合国的工作,终于被提到议事日程上来。 定于8月21日在华盛顿郊外乔治城的敦巴顿橡树园大厦召开的会议,便是为联合国草拟宪章的。 但是,顾维钧接到重庆政府任命他为出席
On June 6, 1944, the Allies landed in Normandy and attacked from the west. On July 4, the Soviet army crossed the eastern border of Poland and pushed forward to Germany. The collapse of Fascist Germany is a foregone conclusion. Thus, just as the conclusion of the establishment of the League of Nations was a conclusion of World War I, according to the 1943 Moscow Conference Declaration on General Security of China, the United States, Britain, the United States, Britain and the United States as the initiator countries, a new foundation was created The work of the United Nations, the international organization that maintains world peace, has finally been brought to the agenda. The meeting to be held on August 21 at the Dumbarton Oaks Tower Building in Georgetown, on the outskirts of Washington, is the drafting of a charter for the United Nations. However, Gu Weijun received the Chongqing government appointed him to attend