毛泽东是 2 0世纪的历史伟人。他不是一般的创业者 ,而是一位创建党、国家和军队的最伟大的创业者 ,他在理论和实践上开拓创新的功绩是史无先例的。他一生都很艰苦朴素、与群众同甘苦、无私无畏。这种高风亮节 ,对时代、对人民、对后代留下了不可磨灭的影响。他在对社会主义事业艰苦探索中所表现的理论勇气和自强不息的精神 ,给我们树立了光辉的楷模。从毛泽东思想的传承与创新来看近 2 0年来社会主义事业的发展和兴旺 ,从 2 0世纪来看新世纪的前景 ,有充分理由相信毛泽东思想仍然是中华民族宝贵的精神财富 ,毛泽东仍然是不朽的一代伟人。
Mao Zedong is a great man of history in the 20th century. He is not a general entrepreneur, but the greatest entrepreneur who founded the party, the state and the army. His pioneering and innovative achievements in theory and practice are unprecedented. His life is very simple and plain, with the masses with the same bitter, selfless fearless. This high ethos has left an indelible impact on the times, on the people and on future generations. His courage and perseverance in his hard exploration of the cause of socialism have given us a brilliant example. Looking at the Development and Prosperity of the Cause of Socialism in the Past 20 Years from the Perspective of the Inheritance and Innovation of Mao Zedong Thought and the Prospects of the New Century from the 20th Century to the 21st Century There are Grounds to Believe that Mao Zedong Thought is Still a Valuable Spiritual Asset for the Chinese Nation and Mao Tse-tung is Still Immortal generation of great people.