编辑同志: 我是贵刊上半月版的读者。从2002年第2期中看到一篇题为《玉米芯喂猪效果好》的文章后,使我倍感兴趣,深受启发。这篇文章短小精练,通俗易懂。对于普遍存在的文化水平不高的农民来说,看后人人都会操作,实用价值很高,确实是一篇值得赞美的好文章。 就目前农村现状来看,干粗饲料被遗弃的现象随处可见。农民由于不懂技术,不知道怎样进行深加工处理。象干薯藤、花生藤、干青草、稻草、玉米秸秆等,如果直接用来喂猪、牛、羊
Editor’s Comrade: I am the reader of the first half of your edition. From the second issue in 2002, I saw an article titled “Corn Cows Good Effect for Pigs” that inspired me to become more interested and inspired. Short article of this article, easy to understand. For the peasants who are ubiquitous and have a low level of education, it is indeed a good article worthy of praise to see that everyone will operate afterwards. The status quo in the current rural areas, the phenomenon of abandoned coarse roughage can be seen everywhere. Farmers do not know how to carry out further processing because they do not understand the technology. Like potato potato, peanut vine, dried grass, straw, corn stalks, etc., if used directly to feed pigs, cattle, sheep