我国大规模发展有线电视起步于二十世纪九十年代初,目前绝大多数大、中城市的有线台(网络公司)已经建成比较完善的750MHz HFC双向宽带网, 多功能业务开发也初具规模,尤其是近几年数字电视的发展速度更是惊人。县区级有线电视台由于受资金,用户资源等客观条件的制约,发展相对滞后,但是,县区级有线电视台同样面临设备更新,系统老化, 网络升级等问题,那么,制定出兼顾眼前和长远发展的规划方案是非常必要的。
Large-scale development of China’s cable television started in the early nineties of the 20th century, at present most large and medium-sized cities cable stations (Internet companies) have been completed relatively perfect 750MHz HFC bidirectional broadband network, multi-functional business development has begun to take shape Especially in recent years, the development of digital television is even more alarming. County-level CATV stations are lagging behind due to the objective conditions such as funds and user resources. However, CATV stations at county and district level are also faced with such problems as equipment renewal, system aging and network upgrade. Therefore, the development of both immediate and long-term development The planning program is very necessary.