妊娠期肝内胆汁安积症是高危妊娠之一,临床主要特征为搔痒、黄疸、血胆酸升高等。对胎儿有一定的危害,易发生胎儿宫内窘迫、新生儿窒息、围产儿死亡等。我院1988年~1996年共收治106例,现分析如下。 1 临床资料 1988年~1996年10月分娩总数为4 200例,妊娠合并胆汁瘀积症106例,发生率为2.52%,其中胎儿宫内窘迫40例(37.7%),早产16例(15.1%),新生儿窒息20例(18.9%),围产儿死亡4例(3.8%)。孕产妇年龄最大35岁,最小22岁。初产妇98例,经产妇8例。实
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy is one of the high-risk pregnancies, the main clinical features of itching, jaundice, elevated blood bile acid. The fetus has some harm, prone to fetal distress, neonatal asphyxia, perinatal death and so on. Our hospital from 1988 to 1996 were treated 106 cases, are analyzed as follows. 1 clinical data from 1988 to 1996 October the total number of deliveries 4 200 cases of pregnancy with cholestasis in 106 cases, the incidence was 2.52%, of which 40 cases of fetal distress (37.7%), preterm 16 cases (15.1% ), 20 cases of neonatal asphyxia (18.9%) and 4 cases of perinatal death (3.8%). Maternal age up to 35 years old, minimum 22 years old. 98 cases of primipara, maternal 8 cases. real