血清肿瘤标志物用于胰腺癌诊断,由于单一指标灵敏度和特异性的局限,因此通常是数种指标联合测定。在诸多的标志物中应选择最具诊断价值且互为独立的少数指标以提高诊断能力[1]。现对胰腺癌诊断中常用的9个血清标志物进行评价。一、对象与方法1.研究对象:2001年 1 月~2003
Serum tumor markers for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, due to a single indicator of sensitivity and specificity of the limitations, it is usually several indicators of joint determination. In many markers should choose the most diagnostic value and a small number of independent indicators to improve the diagnostic ability [1]. Now commonly used in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer markers 9 were evaluated. First, the object and method 1. Research object: January 2001 ~ 2003