目的:探讨学龄期矮小儿童的自我意识水平。方法:采用Piers-Harris儿童自我意识量表(Children’s self-concept scale)和自制成长环境因素(家庭环境和学校环境)调查问卷,对在吉林大学第二医院儿童保健门诊就诊的60例矮小儿童及60例身高正常儿童进行测试及问卷调查,研究其自我意识水平并加以比较。结果:两组儿童在成长环境一致的情况下,矮小儿童组除焦虑因子外,其余各因子水平如行为、智力与学校情况、躯体外貌与属性、合群、幸福与满足感及儿童自我意识总分均低于对照组各因子水平,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:学龄期矮小儿童的自我意识水平普遍偏低。医务工作者对学龄期矮小儿童在进行相关必要治疗的同时,其心理行为问题不可忽视,因此给予矮小儿童相关的心理行为健康指导十分必要。
Objective: To explore the self-awareness of short-term children in school age. Methods: Children’s self-concept scale (Piers-Harris) and self-made environmental factors (family environment and school environment) questionnaire were used to survey 60 cases of short-term children attending child health clinics in the Second Hospital of Jilin University 60 normal children were tested and questionnaires to study the level of self-awareness and to compare. Results: In addition to anxiety factors, the other groups of children in the two groups of children in the same growth environment, the other factors such as behavior, intelligence and school conditions, body appearance and attributes, gregariousness, happiness and satisfaction and child self-awareness score Were lower than the control group of various factors, the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion: The self-awareness of short school-age children is generally low. Medical workers for short stature of children in the relevant necessary treatment of the same time, the psychological and behavioral problems can not be ignored, so give the mental health of children with short stardard guidance is necessary.