肾性贫血是慢性肾功能衰竭的主要并发症之一 ,属继发性贫血。主要是缺乏足够的促红细胞生成素和尿毒症毒素潴留等多种因素作用的结果 ,它严重地影响患者的生活质量 ,加重病情的发展和变化。我科应用自拟生血方配合促进红细胞生成素 (rHuEPO)治疗肾性贫血 30例取得满意效?
Renal anemia is one of the main complications of chronic renal failure, is a secondary anemia. Mainly the lack of adequate erythropoietin and uremic toxins retention and other factors the results of a serious impact on the quality of life of patients and aggravate the development and changes in the disease. Our department applied self-made blood side with the promotion of erythropoietin (rHuEPO) treatment of renal anemia achieved satisfactory results in 30 cases?