新媒体环境下,广告业出现了新变化,对广告人才提出了新要求。高校广告教育必须及时调整人才培养思路,方能培养出适合市场需要的广告人才。笔者对新媒体环境下三本院校的广告学人才培养新趋向进行了分析,对如何调整培养思路、培养新型广告人才进行的初步探讨。新媒体(New media)概念是1967年由美国哥伦比亚广播电视网(CBS)技术研究所所长戈尔德马克(P.Goldmark)率先提
In the new media environment, new changes have taken place in the advertising industry and new demands have been placed on advertising talents. The advertising education in colleges and universities must adjust the training ideas for talents in a timely manner in order to cultivate advertising talents suitable for market needs. The author analyzes the new tendencies of the cultivation of advertising talents in the three universities under the new media environment, and discusses how to adjust the training ideas and train new types of advertising talents. The concept of New media was first introduced in 1967 by P. Goldmark, director of the Technical Institute of the Columbia Broadcasting Network (CBS).