大黄牡丹汤出《金匮要略》。此方具有良好的泻热逐瘀之功,临床以此方化裁治疗多种瘀热互结之证,每获卓效,兹举数例,以见一斑。不当之处,请同道指正。一、瘀热腹痛患者,男,18岁,学生。发热,小腹痛四日。三天前在×医院住院治疗,T40℃,小腹痛拒按,诊为阑尾炎用先锋必素静脉滴泣。治疗三日,发热稍退而腹痛不止。 T38℃,面色红赤,小腹部靠近耻骨联合部位有明显压痛点,麦氏点无压痛及反跳痛,无尿路刺激征,小便正常,大便三日未行,舌赤而暗,苔黄,脉沉弦而数证属肠痈。
The rhubarb peony soup out “Golden Chamber”. This side has a good diarrhea heat, clinical treatment of a variety of enthusiasm for each side of the card, each to achieve significant results, to cite a few cases to see. Improper, please correct me. First, suffer from abdominal pain, male, 18 years old, student. Fever, low abdominal pain on the 4th. Three days ago in hospital × hospital, T40 °C, small abdominal pain refused to press, diagnosed as appendicitis with Pioneer will be sore intravenous drip. On the 3rd day of treatment, the fever retreated slightly and the abdominal pain continued. T38 °C, red complexion, red lower abdomen close to the pubic symphysis with obvious tenderness points, Maxwell no tenderness and rebound tenderness, no urinary tract irritation, normal urine, stool three days, tongue red and dark, moss yellow The pulse is stringed and the card is intestine.