X线胸片是尘肺诊断的重要基础 ,拍摄X线胸片的质量至关重要。近年来 ,我国拟将尘肺高血压 (110KV以上 )摄片列入诊断要求 ,但广大基层医疗卫生单位限于设备和技术条件 ,迄今仍用常规条件 (70KV以下 )进行尘肺摄片。为探索和积累基层在一般条件下开展尘肺高电压摄片的经验
X-ray chest is an important basis for the diagnosis of pneumoconiosis, the quality of X-ray filming is crucial. In recent years, China plans to include pneumoconiosis (110KV and above) radiographs in the diagnosis requirements, but the majority of primary health care units are limited to equipment and technical conditions, so far still use pneumoconiosis with conventional conditions (below 70KV). In order to explore and accumulate grassroots level pneumoconiosis under normal conditions of high voltage radiography experience