目的 运用诊断试验评价及聚类分析技术 ,综合分析六种宫颈癌筛查试验。方法 分别计算各试验的准确度、约登指数、比数积、Kappa系数、信息量 ,并进行样品聚类分析。结果 Thin Prep涂片法及 HPV直接检测法诊断价值最高 ,荧光分光镜检法最差。聚类分析分出三类 :Thin Prep涂片法与 HPV直接检测法 ;阴道镜检测、直接肉眼观察法与 HPV自己取样法 ;荧光分光镜检法。结论 荧光分光镜检法不宜用于筛查。根据聚类分析结果及实际情况 ,可将第一类内任一种法方法与第二类任一种进行组合
Objective To evaluate six kinds of cervical cancer screening tests using diagnostic test evaluation and cluster analysis. Methods The accuracy of each test, the Youden index, the logarithmic product, the Kappa coefficient and the amount of information were calculated, and the cluster analysis was performed. Results Thin Prep smear and HPV direct detection of the highest diagnostic value, the worst fluorescence spectroscopy. Clustering analysis divided into three categories: Thin Prep smear and HPV direct detection method; colposcopy, direct visual observation and HPV own sampling method; fluorescence spectroscopy. Conclusion Fluorescence spectroscopy is not suitable for screening. According to the results of cluster analysis and the actual situation, any one method in the first category can be combined with any one of the second category