1969年,中苏在珍宝岛发生的战斗震惊了 整个世界.前苏联军队以先进的T62坦克,横 行霸道,我军的各种口径反坦克炮都无法对这 种坦克构成威胁.在几位老帅的干预下,研制 新型穿甲弹、破甲弹的任务就落在某军事研究 所的科研人员肩上.但要求穿甲弹、破甲弹击 穿不同厚度的钢板,初速应该是多少?炮弹接 触钢板时瞬间产生的高温高压又应该是多少? 科研人员心里一点底都没有.没有准确的数 据,研究就无法进行下去.
In 1969, the Sino-Soviet battle on Treasure Island shocked the entire world. The former Soviet Union’s advanced T62 tanks were tyrannical and all kinds of anti-tank guns of our army could not pose a threat to this type of tank. With the intervention of a couple of coaches, the task of developing new armor-piercing and armor-piercing shells fell on the shoulders of researchers at a military research institute. However, it is required that armor-piercing bullets and armor-piercing shells pierce steel plates of different thickness. How much should the muzzle velocity be? What should be the high-temperature and high-pressure moments when the shells contact the steel plate? The researchers did not have a heart at all. Without accurate data, research cannot be continued.