鼻咽部异物少见 ,整条活鱼窜入鼻咽部更为罕见。我科近日诊治 1例 ,报告如下。患者 ,男 ,2 2岁。 1d前在湖内摸到一条活鱼后 ,将鱼含在口内 ,咬于齿间 ,鱼头在口内 ,鱼尾向口外。当再次继续摸鱼时 ,因注意力分散 ,鱼突然向上窜入鼻咽部 ,鱼尾尚暴露在口咽。患者当即用力向外咳
Nasopharyngeal foreign body rare, the entire fleeing into the nasopharynx is more rare. Our department recently treated 1 case, the report is as follows. Patient, male, 2 2 years old. 1d ago in the lake touched a live fish, the fish contained in the mouth, biting in the teeth, the head in the mouth, tail to the mouth outside. When you continue to touch the fish again, due to distraction, the fish suddenly flee into the nasopharynx, the fish is still exposed in the oropharyngeal. Immediately cough patients cough