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  摘 要:该研究完成的任务主要有:(1)通过现场勘察,获得三个滑坡的地质资料,分析了灾害分布特征,并提出治理方案;(2)提出了更方便、快捷的GSI量化表,并给出GSI与结构体主要力学参数之间的理论关系;(3)为满足不同的岩石力学实验需求,研制了相关的实验设备,并进行了相关实验研究,对岩石破坏机制及本构关系有了新的认识;(4)通过土石混合体的力学、渗流及损伤特性的试验研究,得到了土石混合体相关的力学属性、渗流特征以及破坏特征;(5)通过对武隆鸡尾山地下采矿区与坡体移动变形规律的分析研究,确定了地下开采对滑坡的影响;(6)进一步完善了岩土和地层地质界面识别技术和方法;(7)通过对断裂岩石在蠕变环境下的声发射特征和细观接触损伤实验研究,揭示断裂岩体长期力学行为和失稳破坏前兆信息;(8)解决了多尺度地质体建模中的三个关键问题,并应用于华亭煤田;(9)将偏最小二乘法应用于地应力场的反演中,所得地应力场结果精确,与多尺度方法相结合,应用于局部地应力场的预测,显示出明显优势;借助ABAQUS软件的二次开发接口,使用复杂边界条件,进行地应力场的计算,更符合实际情况,计算结果也更精确;(10)以抚顺东露天矿为背景,从损伤的概念出发,通过试验,研究了岩石在损伤过程中电性与力学性能之间的关系,建立了以弹性模量检测方法和电阻率检测方法为基础的损伤变量计算方法,构建了岩石力学性能和电性之间的关系。将电阻率的变化与岩石力学性质联系起来,进而通过现场的电阻率探测,描述和评价开采扰动地层的损伤状态;以窑街海石湾矿为背景,进行坡下开采岩体移动破坏相似模拟实验和利用GDEM软件进行开采扰动边坡稳定性数值分析,揭示随地下开挖边坡破坏和移动规律;(11)完善了边坡工程地质信息管理与灾变分析和预警系统,并对唐山古冶区尾矿库进行了采动影响下的岩体力学参数识别和预测,所得结果与实测结果相符。
  关键词:地质模型 土石混合体 地应力 多尺度 地质与数值建模
  Abstract:The planned task of this year has been basically completed by the ways of in situ investigations,experiments and researches. It mainly included:(1)The geological data of three landslides were acquired by on site investigation,the hazard distribution characteristic was analyzed and the control plan was proposed.(2)A more convenient and efficient GSI quantization table is proposed.(3)To meet the needs of different rock mechanics experiments, the related laboratory equipments were developed and the experiments were conducted, a new understanding of the rock failure mechanism and constitutive relation were got.(4)The mechanical properties,seepage and failure characteristics of earth-rock aggregate were got through the experiments.(5)Through the analysis of the rule between the underground mining area and the movement of the slope in Wulong Jiwei mountain area,the impact of the underground mining on landslide was determined.(6)The interface identification techniques and methods for geotechnical and geological formation were improved.(7)By experimental studies of the acoustic emission and microscopic contact damage characteristics when it was creeping of fractured rock, it showed the long term mechanical behavior and the precursor information of the unstable failure.(8)Three key issues of the multi-scale geological modeling were solved and applied in Huating coal field.(9)The partial least square method was applied in the calculation of in situ stress field.It was more advantaged when combining with multi-scale method;the complex boundary conditions were used to inversely calculate the in situ stress field on the basis of the secondary development of ABAQUS software,which is more close to the actual situation.(10)The relationship between electrical and mechanical properties in the process of the damage was studied based on Fushun east open mine,and the damage variable calculation method was established on based on detection method for elasticity modulus and resistivity, at the same time,the relationship between the mechanical and electrical properties of rock was created.For Haishiwan coal mine,the similar simulation experiments of moving damage of rock and numerical analysis were done for the stability of the slope after mining,it showed the damage and moving rule of the slope with the progress of excavation.(11)The system for the slope engineering geological information management, and the disaster analysis and early warning was improved.
  Key Words:Geologic model;Rock-soil aggregate;Ground stress;Multi-scale;Geological and numerical modeling
摘 要:近年来,随着社交网络的快速发展,社交网络使得人类使用互联网的方式产生了深刻变革——由简单信息搜索和网页浏览转向网上社会关系的构建与维护、基于社会关系的信息创造、交流和共享。在线社交网络是一种在信息网络上由社会个体集合及个体之间的连接关系构成的社会性结构,包含关系结构、网络群体与网络信息三个要素。其中,社交网络的关系结构是社会个体成员之间通过社会关系结成的网络系统,包括社交网络的结构特性与演
摘要:随着时代的发展,随着职业教育国际化进程的加快,高职英语教学仍然有许多问题需要解决,需要对高职英语教学模式进行改革。通过模块化教学,结合高职院校学生的特点,努力培养学生英语的实践能力。通过模块化教学,将高职英语教学分为公共英语模块和专业英语模块,学生每完成一个模块的学习,都能够扎实的掌握此模块相对应的知识,能够做到学以致用,提高英语语言的运用能力和实践能力。  关键词:实践能力 高职英语 模块
摘 要:该文从大学生体质健康现状出发,对大学生体质指标下降原因进行了深入细致探讨,根据笔者多年来的教学经验,针对性的提出了改善大学生体质健康建议措施,希望能为大学生体质健康状况的改善贡献自己绵薄之力。  关键词:大学生 体质健康 现状 对策  中图分类号:R161.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2016)07(a)-0149-02  1 大学生体质健康现状  1.1 从身体形态
摘 要:“支持多物理耦合的粒子输运算法与软件”属于国家973计划项目“适应于千万亿次科学计算的新型计算模式”,由北京应用物理与计算数学研究所、清华大学、国防科技大学承担。该课题围绕实际重大需求中粒子输运与流体力学过程的耦合,开展了流体力学计算、辐射扩散计算和粒子输运计算的数值算法研究。该文报告重点阐述SN中子输运多级并行算法、中子输运方程基于介质分区的自适应计算方法和辐射流体问题的量身定做有限点方