激扬青春力量 培育后备人才

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初夏时节,全国大学校园里一派生机盎然,税法知识竞赛和税法宣传进校园活动正在全国各大高校如火如荼地进行。此次活动由中税协和中国注册税务师同心服务团主办,得到了中央统战部八局、共青团中央青年发展部和国家税务总局税收宣传中心的悉心指导和大力支持。这是贯彻落实中共中央“四个全面”战略的重要举措,是第26个全国税收宣传月工作的重要内容。国家税务总局局长王军批示:“这项活动开展得好,望组织好,扩 In the early summer season, there was an all-encompassing life on the national university campuses, knowledge campaigns on tax laws and promotion of tax laws into campus activities in full swing in all major universities across the country. The event was sponsored by the China Tax Association and the CTA, and received careful guidance and strong support from the Central Bureau of Dispute Resolution, the Central Youth Development Department of the Communist Youth League and the Tax Information Center of the State Administration of Taxation. This is an important measure to implement the CPC Central Committee’s ”four comprehensive“ strategy and is an important part of the 26th nationwide tax publicity month. Wang Jun, director of the State Administration of Taxation, instructed: ”This activity has been carried out well and hopes to organize well and expand
当激情燃烧的烽火岁月渐行渐远,就要消逝于我们记忆尽头的时候,重拾难忘的往事,重温传奇的人生,依然让人感慨不已…… When the flames of passion burning away from the p
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