目的通过对南京市学龄前正常儿童语言发展水平现状的研究,了解不同年龄组、不同性别儿童的语言发展水平,以早期发现语言发育落后儿童,使之及时得到干预。方法应用Gesell发育诊断量表对215名学龄前儿童的语言发展水平进行评估,对语言发育商(DQ)进行百分位法描述性分析。结果 1)学龄前不同年龄组儿童和女童组儿童的语言发育商DQ值呈正态分布,而男童组则呈偏正态分布;2)P5百分位以下的学龄前儿童所占比例为4.17%~5.88%;3)同年龄组不同性别儿童的语言发育商DQ值之间差异均存在统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论南京市学龄前儿童语言发展水平呈正态分布,男童的语言发展稍落后于女童。建议以≤P25(DQ≤90)、≤P5(DQ≤75)作为学龄前儿童语言发育随访监测和早期语言干预的界值点,使得存在语言发育问题的学龄前儿童得以早期干预和康复。
Objective To study the status quo of language development in preschool-aged children in Nanjing and to understand the language development of children of different age groups and sexes in order to find out the children with language development in the early stage and make timely intervention. Methods The Gesell developmental diagnostic scale was used to assess the speech development of 215 pre-school children and the percentile descriptive analysis of the language developer (DQ). Results 1) There was a normal distribution of DQ values among children of preschool children and girls in different age groups, but a normal distribution in boys. 2) The proportion of pre-school children under P5 percentile was 4.17% -5.88%. 3) There was significant difference in DQ of language development between children of different sexes in the same age group (P <0.001). Conclusion The preschool children in Nanjing have a normal distribution of language development. The language development of boys lags behind that of girls. Proposed ≤ P25 (DQ ≤ 90), ≤ P5 (DQ ≤ 75) as preschool-age children’s language development follow-up monitoring and early language intervention cut-off point, so that pre-school children with language development problems early intervention and rehabilitation.