我1985年5月10日到山丹培黎图书馆工作后,每天(或隔天)详细做馆员工作日记,时至今日,没中断过,约有30余万字。馆员工作日记,可记的内容很多,如: 第一次站到出纳口前的新鲜感、陌生感、羞愧感,和读者打交道而引起的感触,馆员自我心理剖析,对登门借阅、伏案攻读的读者的多角度观察及引起自己的联想和想象,工作中取得的点滴成绩和大小失误,读者阅读热的阶段调查,读者建议和意见,缺书登记,馆员之间的协作和微妙关系,读者
After I worked in the library of Shandan Pei-Li on May 10, 1985, I worked as a daily diary (or next day) to do a diary of the work of a librarian in detail. Up till now, I have not interrupted about 30 million words. Librarians work diary, a lot of things to remember, such as: the first time to the cashier’s freshness, strangeness, sense of shame, and the readers deal with the feelings caused by the librarian self-psychological analysis of the door to borrow, the case Multidimensional observation of readers and their associations and imagination, bit by bit scores and mistakes made in their work, readers’ hot stage investigation, suggestions and opinions of readers, registration of missing books, coordination among librarians and subtle relationships ,reader