开拓创新 科学发展——内蒙古包头市东河区人武部党委班子建设的做法

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内蒙古包头市东河区人武部党委为进一步加强“三力”建设,提升班子成员综合素质,在实践中努力做到:思考问题有高度;研究问题有深度;解决问题有力度;成员相处有大度。思考问题要有高度。班子成员思考问题时能否站在讲政治高度是检验和锻炼党委班子决策能力的关键,也是党委能否做好讲政治、把方向的前提基础。为此,人武部党委坚持用“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观等最新理论成果武装头脑,并转化为坚定的政治信仰,转化为科学的世界观和方法论,转化为高标准履行使命的能力素质,确保在任何时候、任何情况下,都能不犹豫、不含糊、不动摇地站在讲政治的高度观察和思考问题,不断增强政治敏感性和政治鉴别力,努力做到在重大原则问题上立场坚定、旗帜鲜明,在具体问题上头脑清醒、是非分明。 In order to further strengthen the construction of “Three Forces” and enhance the overall quality of team members, the party committee of Dongwu District, Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, strived to make efforts in practice: thinking highly; researching deep; solving problems effectively; Generous Thinking of the problem should be high. Whether team members can stand on the political height while thinking about the issue is the key to testing and exercising the decision-making ability of party committees and the party committee’s basic prerequisite for politics and directions. To this end, the armed forces party committees persist in using the latest theoretical achievements of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ and the scientific concept of development to arm their minds and turn them into firm political beliefs and into scientific worldviews and methodologies, turning them into high-standard fulfillment missions The ability and quality to ensure that at any time and under any circumstances, can not hesitate, unambiguously, unwaveringly standing on the issue of political observation and thinking of a high degree of political awareness and political discrimination, and strive to achieve major On the issue of principles, the position is resolute and clear-cut. It is unclear on specific issues.
诚信是中华民族优良的道德传统,是市场经济中必须遵守的基本准则,笔者从“三鹿奶粉事件”的惨痛教训中,阐述了在市场经济条件下,构建社会主义信用体系的重要意义。 Honesty