高中教材第一册第37页关于碱金属的性质教学内容,是通过钠和钾与水反应的对比实验,得出钾的失电子能力强于钠的结论。从而说明钾的还原性强于钠,验证了理论推导。但在这个实验中,钾与水的反应如不注意一些细节可能效果并不明显。如按照课本图2 15所示,烧杯中水量少、空气含量
The teaching content of the nature of the alkali metal in the first book of the high school textbook No. 1 is based on the comparison experiment of the reaction between sodium and potassium and water, and it is concluded that the electron loss ability of potassium is stronger than that of sodium. This shows that potassium is stronger than sodium, verifying the theoretical derivation. However, in this experiment, potassium and water reactions may not be as effective without paying attention to some details. As shown in Figure 2 of the textbook, there is less water and air content in the beaker.