羊水混浊的机理:妊娠末期胎儿在子宫内排尿,但不排便。一旦排便可使羊水混浊并迅呈黄绿色以至暗绿色,这是因为胎便内有胆绿素、胆固醇结晶等物。当胎儿处于低氧、低血压时,由于肠蠕动亢进及肛门内括约肌松弛而排出胎便使羊水混浊。 羊水混浊的诊断:混入胎便的羊水混浊,可通过破膜(自然或人工)观察羊水性状,也可通过羊膜镜检查,若行羊水穿刺还能直接观察羊水性状。此外,
Amniotic fluid turbid mechanism: the end of pregnancy in the womb of the fetus urination, but not defecation. Once the defecation can make the amniotic fluid cloudy and quickly yellow green to dark green, it is because there are fetal bouts of cholesterol, cholesterol crystals and other objects. When the fetus in hypoxia, low blood pressure, due to bowel movements and anal sphincter relaxation and discharge of the fetus will make cloudy amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid turbid diagnosis: mixed with meconium amniotic fluid opacity, through rupture of membranes (natural or artificial) to observe the amniotic fluid properties, but also through amniocastrophe, amniotic fluid puncture but also directly observe the amniotic fluid traits. In addition,