From the first appointment of Nelson Mandela in 1957 to the young and beautiful Miss Winnie Medivisszer, their relationship patterns have also been fixed. Every day, he always invited friends to pick up his fiancee. And Winnie always came to her fiance’s office six years ago, waiting for him to take her for lunch after finishing her job. They usually eat Indian food, although Winnie does not like, but also had to accompany. People flocking to her fiancé asking for work or talking about problems. Winnie was only bored sitting aside, feeling like a young and ignorant fool, but also an outsider. For decades, Winne Mandela has always been able to escape the feeling of outsiders. Not to mention that she has never been able to enter the ANC’s leadership nucleus and has always maintained a certain distance with the leaders of the non-Communist countries. This has left Mrs. Mandela, a charming and witty man, unpopular and gradually changing. To be indifferent. In April this year, the distance between Weinan Mandela and the non-Chinese leader finally evolved into a fault. As we all know, in the past 6 years, Winnie