
来源 :明日风尚 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bianhao9527
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洋节热近年来引发了大家广泛的热议,通过对中西方情人节为例进行比较,笔者发现洋节热的原因除了大家普遍认为的外来文化的入侵之外,还有着更加深层次的原因,那就是中西方节日形式对于现代人吸引力的差异以及满足现代人需求能力的差异。要想使得中国的传统节日重放光彩,需要各种媒体加大对传统节日的宣传,使得传统节日重新回到人们的视线当中,另外传统节日的内容和形式都应当要顺应时代不断发展创新。 In recent years, the festival of the world has aroused widespread heated discussion. By comparing the Chinese and Western Valentine’s Day, the author finds that the reason of the festival of foreign festivals is that there is a deeper reason besides the generally accepted foreign culture invasion , That is, the difference between the attraction of modern and western festivals and the ability to meet the needs of modern people. To make Chinese traditional festivals glorious again and again, all kinds of media are required to step up publicity of traditional festivals so that traditional festivals will return to people’s attention. In addition, the contents and forms of traditional festivals should be constantly updated and innovated in the light of the times.
20年,43个国家,599位外国友人。  这些傲人的数据,齐齐指向的,是浙江省人民政府为表彰外籍专家在浙江省经济建设和社会发展中所作出的突出贡献和奉献精神而设立的最高奖项。  为纪念西湖友谊奖设立20周年,特别设立了西湖友谊杰出贡献奖,授予了3位外国专家,他们分别于1997年、2003年、2006年获得西湖友谊奖,并在获奖后一直留在浙江,为这片土地默默奉献,他们代表了不同时期在浙外国专家的风貌,也