From 1993 to 1996, the investigation of garlic diseases and identification of pathogen in Guanzhong of Shaanxi Province were carried out. As a result, 14 diseases were found. Leaf disease to wintering mold leaf blight and rust widespread and serious distribution, the former can cause complex symptoms, causing devastating damage, bud bud mildew spot, purple spot, gray mold only local block have occurred. Garlic white rot disease is the first reported disease, garlic sprouts loss rate as high as 50% to 60%. Garlic gray mold rot is also more common. Field damage bulbs and roots of the disease are white rot and soft rot, garlic disease aspergillosis, black spot, gray mold, red rot and blue mold and so on. In addition, Garlic mosaic virus and Garlic latent virus are common and severe, and another yellow (red) leaf disease with unknown pathogens occurs only locally.