孙中山说,鲍君办党极有经验,望各同志牺牲自己的成见,诚意去学他的方法 1922年1月,远东各国共产党及民族革命团体第一次代表大会在莫斯科召开,身患重病的列宁亲切接见国民党代表张秋白、共产党代表张国焘,询问他们:“中国国民党和中国共产党是否可以合作?”孙中山对国
Sun Yat-sen said: Bao Jun is a party with great experience. He hopes all comrades will sacrifice their own preconceptions and sincerely learn his methods. In January 1922, the first congress of communists and national revolutionary groups in the Far East convened in Moscow and suffered serious illness Lenin cordially met with KMT representative Zhang Qiubai and Communist Party representative Zhang Guofei and asked them whether “the Chinese Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party can cooperate?”