循环肿瘤细胞( CTCs)的检测不仅有助于肿瘤发生的早期预警,监测肿瘤的转移或复发,指导并判断肿瘤治疗效果,推断预后,而且可进一步研究肿瘤转移的机制。在肿瘤的临床治疗和转移机制的研究方面有重大的意义。目前传统的检测血液中CTCs的方法有多种,但大多不能兼顾检测精确性、高效性、实用性和经济性。随着富集检测技术研究的进展,出现了一些新的检测方法,为临床肿瘤的治疗和机制研究提供了良好的平台。该文主要介绍几种新的 CTCs的富集、检测和分析方法及其在前列腺癌患者中的临床应用。“,”The detection of circulating tumor cells(CTCs) may contribute to detecting cancer early,mo-nitoring the cancer metastases and recurrence,predicting the prognosis and evaluating treatment outcome.In addition, it could be used to study the mechanism of cancer metastasis .So it plays an important role in clini-cal treatment of tumor and the research of cancer metastasis .Although many different methodologies have been used for the detection of CTCs,some of them can′t give consideration to veracity, efficiency, practical and the economy.At present,some new detection methods appeared as technology progress,which provide a great platform for clinical cancer treatment and mechanism research .This review mainly introduces the latest CTCs enrichment and detection methods and the use in prostate cancer patients.