调查对象均为广州市收容教育所1992年1月~1994年8月收容的卖淫妇女共1732名。方法 均作妇科常规检查,以卫生部《性病防治手册》为参考标准,依调查表询问有关病史,依临床症状及实验室检查而确诊。HBV和HCV感染检查使用ELISA法。结果 1.性传播疾病的检出情况:在1732名卖淫妇女
The survey subjects were 1,732 prostitutes housed by Guangzhou Institute of Inclusion and Education from January 1992 to August 1994. Methods were routine gynecological examination to the Ministry of Health “STD Prevention and Control Manual” as a reference standard, according to the questionnaire about the medical history, according to clinical symptoms and laboratory tests and confirmed. HBV and HCV infection tests using the ELISA method. Results 1. Detection of sexually transmitted diseases: 1732 prostitutes