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  Their studies may be taken up with complex theological and 1)ecumenical reflection, but break times are all about “smashing a six” into the heavens.
  Meet cricket’s newest club, St. Peter’s of Rome, made up of students and young priests from the Vatican. The aim, to forge ties with teams of other faiths.
  Antony She han Fernando (Sri Lankan 2)Seminarian): We learn lot of things in sports because to accept both victory and defeat. But in…in the life of priesthood, we need to accept things. We need to accept because in the future, as a priest, we know that things are not going to be that easy.
  It’s not known if Pope Francis, an 3)avid football fan, sees himself as opening batsman material, but he has made it known that he sees sport as a way the church can communicate with the modern world. His first 4)eleven have grand plans for the future.

  Eamann O’Higgins (Club’s Secretary): Our challenge is next year to hopefully play a match with the Anglican communion. Hopefully that will take place at Lord’s Cricket Ground in London, and then with other faiths as well.
  At its first news conference, the club revealed one of its first aims is to organize matches against students of Muslim and Hindu religious schools, given the game’s popularity in largely non-Catholic South Asia.
  The Vatican is reportedly also on the lookout for Indian, Pakistani or Sri Lankan nuns, who’ve played cricket before, to form a women’s team.

  方济各于2013年3月14日正式任职第266任罗马天主教教宗,是首位出身于美洲(西半球)、南半球与耶稣会的教皇。方济各,本名Jorge Mario Bergoglio,现年76岁,出生于阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯。方济各教皇从不隐瞒自己对足球运动的热爱。他大方承认,自己是阿根廷圣洛伦佐足球俱乐部的铁杆球迷,是梅西的粉丝,甚至公开拿着该队红蓝两色队旗留影,为这支球队祝福。2013年4月,天主教教皇方济各先后收到了世界冠军西班牙队有全体冠军成员签名的战袍和一件有巴塞罗那阿根廷籍球员梅西签名的球衣。2013年8月,在一次友谊赛前,方济各在梵蒂冈接见了参赛的意大利队与阿根廷队。
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