兔归南山,龙腾神州。荡坪钨矿在上级公司的正确领导下,发扬艰苦奋斗、二次创业精神,坚持“管理治矿、科技兴矿”的企业方针,全面贯彻落实内部经济责任制,胜利完成了1999年各项生产经营任务,实现了“保生存,求发展”的目标,为三年脱困、扭亏为盈奏响了希望的乐章。 跨入新的一年,我们将在中国稀有稀土金属集团公司和钨业集团公司的领导下,坚定信心,克难而进,打好三年脱困决战。新的一年我们的工作思路是:以全国经济工作会议精神为指导,进一步转变思想观念,以适应新的管理体制和管理机制要求,坚持一手抓矿业,一手抓挖潜,保生存图发展,不断深化企业内部改革,强化内部管理,向改革和管理要效
Rabbit Nanshan, Dragon China. With the correct leadership of its parent company, Dangping Tungsten Mines carried forward its hard-working and pioneering spirit and adhered to its corporate policy of “managing mining and benefiting the people through science and technology”. It fully implemented the internal economic responsibility system and successfully completed various projects in 1999 Production and management tasks, and achieved the goal of “preserving survival and seeking development”, playing a role of hope for turning around difficulties and turning losses into profits for three years. Entering into the new year, we will, under the leadership of China Rare-Earth Metal Corporation and Tungsten Industry Corporation, consolidate confidence and overcome difficulties to lay the foundations for a three-year turnaround. In the new year, our work train of thought is guided by the spirit of the National Economic Work Conference and further changes in ideology and concepts so as to meet the requirements of the new management system and management mechanism. We will continue to tap the potential of mining industry while tapping the potential of the mining industry and keep the development of the survival map Deepen the internal reform of enterprises, strengthen internal management, to the effectiveness of reform and management