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  In the frenzied early hours of NBA free agency, with cash flowing and promises flying, Greg Monroe—Age: 25; Position: forward; Upside: high—paused to consider his options.
  New York offered the grandest stage.The Lakers offered the glitziest legacy.
  Portland offered a partnership with a dazzling young point guard.
  Monroe would be wealthy no matter where he landed. Every suitor was armed with the same four-year, $50 million contract, the maximum allowed under league rules.
  Monroe rebuffed them all and chose the Milwaukee Bucks, a smallmarket franchise in a cold-weather city, where the NBA spotlight rarely shines.
  This is NBA free agency in 2015. The old rules no longer apply.
  The Broadway glare? Monroe doesn’t need it. Hollywood glamor? Monroe rejected it.
  What Monroe craved most, after five torturous seasons in Detroit, was a winning environment. He found it on the left bank of Lake Michigan①.
  "His priorities were stability and the chance to make the playoffs as quickly as he could," said Monroe’s agent, David Falk. "After he evaluated all the four teams, he felt that Milwaukee had the most pieces in place already to make the playoffs the quickest."
  Monroe chose small-town glory over big-market fame—and in doing so sent a message that should resonate in every NBA city: Times have changed.
  Every NBA game is now available on League Pass, with streaming on tablets and mobile phones. Social media has given every player a direct link to his fans. The NBA’s biggest pitchmen reside in Oklahoma City (Kevin Durant) and Cleveland (LeBron James).
  "It really doesn’t matter where you are," Bryan Colangelo, the former Phoenix Suns and Toronto Raptors executive, said on Bleacher Report Radio."I think what these players have done is they’ve made the statement and said,’Look, it’s about money, but it’s also about putting myself in a situation where I can win and be with a good organization.’"   “你在哪里真的已经不重要了。”曾在太阳和猛龙担任管理职位的布莱恩·克朗格洛在Bleacher Report电台采访时这样说道,“我觉得这些球员的做法已经表明了他们的立场,他们在说:‘听着,钱是很重要,但让我进入一个能赢球的环境、进入一支好球队同样重要。’”
  The Lakers wooed LaMarcus Aldridge, but the perennial All-Star chose San Antonio, where he could contend for titles immediately.
  The Knicks had visions of luring Marc Gasol, but the All-Star center decided he was happiest in Memphis.
  The Knicks? They had to settle for Robin Lopez and Arron Afflalo—a solid haul, but not franchise-altering.
  The Lakers? They snagged Roy Hibbert in a trade and signed Brandon Bass and Lou Williams—enough to make them interesting, but not a playoff team.
  The Celtics? They traded for David Lee (a salary dump from Go’lden State) and signed Amir Johnson and Jonas Jerebko—all modest additions.
  "B-level free agents," Colangelo called them.
  Think about that. Three of the NBA’s most storied franchises, in three of the nation’s biggest markets, effectively struck out in free agency. No Kevin Love. No Kawhi Leonard or Jimmy Butler. No Gasol, or Aldridge, or Jordan.
  The Knicks and Lakers hoarded salary-cap room—jettisoning players as necessary—in the belief that the elite players would flock to New York and Los Angeles. They couldn’t even land Monroe, a second-tier player.
  "They’re just not attractive right now," Colangelo said.

  The lesson here is a familiar one: NBA free agency is rarely the path to title contention. Rebuilding strictly with cap room, more often than not, is a fool’s errand.
  The superstars rarely move in free agency, because the entire NBA system is designed to keep them home, rewarding them with longer, richer contracts for staying put. And 98 percent of the time, it works.
  Love was, according to multiple sources, profoundly unhappy in Cleveland this past season. Yet he agreed to stay, taking a five-year, $110 million deal that he could not have received anywhere else. The most Love could have received from another team was $80 million over four years.   据多个消息源表示,乐福过去那个赛季在克利夫兰过得非常不开心。可他还是同意留下,签下了一份他在别处都拿不到的五年1.1亿美元的合同。乐福从其他球队最多只能得到四年8000万美元。
  Meanwhile, the rules of restricted free agency kept Leonard (Spurs), Butler (Bulls) and Draymond Green (Warriors) from even considering other teams.
  It all underscores a point that superagent Arn Tellem made to me six years ago, when I was writing for the New York Times: The NBA’s collective bargaining agreement had "eliminated, for the most part, free agency for the high-end players." The financial inducement to stay put is just too powerful.
  Shaquille O’Neal left Orlando for Los Angeles in 1996, in an era before "max" contracts, when the Lakers could simply outbid their rivals. That is no longer the case.
  As I noted in that 2009 story, in the 12 years that followed O’Neal’s decision, just three in-theirprime franchise stars changed teams via free agency: Grant Hill, Tracy McGrady and Steve Nash. (Hill and McGrady went to Orlando in 2000. Nash went to Phoenix in 2004. And Nash only left Dallas because the Mavericks balked at paying him the max.)
  NBA trends have not significantly changed since then, despite some notable exceptions.
  In 2010, LeBron James and Chris Bosh left their teams to join Dwyane Wade in Miami. That same summer, Amar’e Stoudemire left Phoenix for New York, in one of the wildest summers in modern history.
  And of course, James became a double-anomaly last year, when he left Miami to return to Cleveland.
  Some good, vital players, have migrated via free agency in recent years: Andre Iguodala (Denver to Golden State in 2013), Jamal Crawford (Atlanta to L.A. Clippers in 2012), Tyson Chandler (Dallas to New York in 2011).
  有些优秀的重要球员最近几年通过自由球员市场更换了主队:安德烈·伊戈达拉(2013年从掘金前往勇士),贾马尔·克劳福德(2012年从老鹰前往快船),泰森·钱德勒(201 1年从小牛前往尼克斯)。
  But the truly elite? The perennial All-NBA first-teamers? The MVP candidates? The franchise cornerstones? Good luck landing them.   可真正的顶尖球员?常年入选第一阵容的人?MVP候选人?真正的建队基石?想得到他们,只有自求多福了。
  Between 1997 and 2008, the following superstars became free agents and stayed put: Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan, Dirk Nowitzki, Allen Iverson, Kevin Garnett, Chris Webber, Jason Kidd, Paul Pierce, Vince Carter, Reggie Miller, Gary Payton, Ray Allen, Stoudemire, John Stockton, Karl Malone and David Robinson. (By the time Malone and Payton joined the Lakers in 2003, they were nearing retirement.)
  Since 2009, the following superstars have also stayed put in free agency: Wade, Pierce, Nowitzki, Tony Parker, Chris Paul and Carmelo Anthony. The Houston Rockets made an all-out push for Bosh and Anthony last summer and came up empty.
  "Obviously, the cap-room strategy doesn’t work for everyone," said Colangelo, who signed Nash in 2004.
  In an earlier era, a major-market team could have tempted a player like Aldridge with more money. But in a max-salary era, the Spurs can offer just as much as the Knicks, and a better roster to boot.
  It’s easy now to mock the Lakers and Knicks for their free-agent whiffs, to scapegoat the front office (Jim Buss, Phil Jackson) or the ball-hogging star(Bryant, Carmelo Anthony). Easy, but misguided and far too simplistic.
  The Lakers and Knicks are fighting history, a nearly two-decade trend in which the best of the best almost always stay home. They are fighting a system that is specifically designed to thwart them. They are fighting a wellconstructed, systematic inertia.
  The salary cap is set to spike next summer, by at least $20 million, providing the marquee teams with another chance to chase the marquee free agents—Kevin Durant, Bradley Beal, Mike Conley, Al Horford, Andre Drummond, Dwight Howard.
  The odds are against them. But hope, unlike cap room, is infinite.
在距离上一次正式比赛的948天后,乔尔·恩比德完成了在NBA的首秀。对阵绿衫军,12分钟内,得到6分4篮板2封盖。尽管数据一般,但能真正站在起点,已经足以让恩比德大书特书,“我以为我可以在这12分钟里得到40分。”  没错,这是恩比德的第一战,但在另一片竞技场,他早已声名大噪,天生逗比的他简直是推特不败。  从去年开始,恩比德就在推特上针对勒布朗·詹姆斯展开了疯狂的招募。在他私信詹姆斯表达对其加盟
勇士首轮秀凯文·卢尼告诉我们,在勇士创造历史的过程中,坐在板凳末端(或者被下放到发展联盟)是怎样的感觉。  当我们打出24胜0负时,给人的感觉就是,这不正常。我不知道一开始就输球会有什么样的感觉。季前赛时,大家的状态就不错,不过我们输掉了几场。可是常规赛开始后,感觉我们就像换了支队。我可以说,赛季初看史蒂芬在对鹈鹕的比赛里拿到50分时,我心想,这太疯狂了。你不可能每天都能看到这样的表演。我之前从未
很多孩子小时候只是因为好玩才打篮球。你是什么时候觉得自己打篮球很棒的?  我觉得每个人都要经历不同阶段。小时候,有时你就是在胡闹。所以,每过段时间,你就会觉得自己的水平不错了,可以打出名堂了。但有时候你也会怀疑,你明白吧?我大概是三四年级开始喜欢上了这项运动的,我开始真正喜欢和朋友一起打球,喜欢篮球带来的挑战。而且从小,我的个子就很高。  那时你算是笨拙的大块头?  怎么说呢,我不算特别笨。我总是
由第5频道杂志主办、手机圈传媒协办、华伊先锋承办的第5频道2015智能运动高峰论坛在北京东方广场Audi City Beijing成功举办。  本期论坛为第5频道运动跨界系列论坛的第一站,主题为“智能运动”。论坛邀请移动设备厂商、相关领域投资人、可穿戴设备技术领域先锋、知名运动员、运动达人、品牌厂商,共同探讨科技圈与运动圈跨界合作的发展之路。国家工信部政策法规司原司长郭福华、第5频道杂志执行总编辑
1998-99赛季是缩水赛季,那时老鹰的主场还在乔治亚巨蛋球场,而他们那场比赛的对手是菜鸟球员文斯·卡特和稚嫩的猛龙。比赛中,卡特在左翼,也就是大学和NBA三分线之间的位置遭遇了防守人。  在左手完成2次运球后,卡特加速突破了克里斯·克劳福德的防守,从底线开始起跳。正值职业生涯巅峰的迪肯贝·穆托姆博也跳了起来,他举起的双臂甚至比篮筐还要高出15厘米。但卡特继续在上升,上升,不断攀升。  嘣!这个来
我站在亚特兰大市中心的阴暗处,等待着一个用拉杆箱装衣服、把假牙放进裤子口袋的人。他说早上6点半会在Five Points广场和我见面,在我们相识的7个月里,汤米·盖因斯说过很多话,他说自己第一次扣篮是在1 1岁;第一次吸食可卡因是在20岁;他说大学时他曾入选过全美第一阵容;他说他再也不会吸毒了。在他说过的大部分话里,至少有一些是真相,有一些完全是假话。  但他最终会出现的,因为他保证了。那时太阳还
从小到大,肯塔基大学的TYLER ULIS 总是球场上最矮的球员。但这并没有阻止他入选全美最佳阵容,也不会阻止他进入NBA。总而言之,要阻止他,太难了!  迈克·泰勒目瞪口呆。他的球队在马里安天主教高中经历了一场20分的惨败——客场36比56惨败。那场比赛,9年级的泰勒·尤里斯带领球队战胜了水平糟糕且毫无戒备的对手,他更是一个人就拿下了36分。  “泰勒教练说,‘对方一个人就能得到36分,你们怎么
“谁最强?”在篮球领域,这句话通常会点燃战火。但对华盛顿特区东南部巴里农场和帕克切斯特社区的居民而言,这个问题寥寥几句便能解答,因为他们拥有东海岸最好的夏季篮球联赛之一。  1975年,古德曼联赛的前身,“巴里农场社区篮球联赛”由三名社区娱乐中心主管,欧文·布拉迪,卡尔顿·里德,莫蒂·哈蒙兹共同创立。在创立初期,通常都是来自巴里农场的居民对抗来自帕克切斯特的居民,两个社区比邻而居,近在咫尺。许多年
如果说上个赛季带领球队收获73胜的史蒂芬·库里已经走近巅峰状态,那这个赛季真正巅峰状态的库里就要来了,不要诧异,请收好你的下巴。这位28岁的球员和他身边的人都觉得他还没有到达自己篮球生涯的巅峰。库里带着全新的渴望、野心与专注在新赛季重回赛场。  新赛季的库里令人期待,他脚下的签名战靴也同样备受关注。Under Armour为其量身打造的CURRY 3,在多方面进行了升级。Curry 3的专利技术旨