利用宗教和民族问题进行挑拨离间,使中华民族日趋分裂、自相残杀,是日本侵略者的一贯阴谋。继在东北制造了一个伪“满洲国”、在内蒙古制造了一个“蒙古国” 之后,他们妄图继续在五台山实施挑拨离间的阴谋。晋察冀抗日根据地的创建者聂荣臻政委,积极对五台山僧人进行了团结、争取,有力地挫败了日本帝国主义的阴谋。 “和尚、喇嘛也是我们的朋友” 1937年秋,刚刚在平型关重创日军的一一五师一部,在政委聂荣臻的带领
The use of religious and ethnic issues to sow discord and make the Chinese nation increasingly split and kill each other is a consistent conspiracy of the Japanese aggressors. Following the creation of a fake “Manchukuo” in the Northeast and a “Mongolia State” in Inner Mongolia, they vainly attempted to continue their slanderous conspiracy in Wutai Mountain. Political commissar Nie Rongzhen, founder of the Jin-Cha-Ji Anti-Japanese Base Area, actively unite and fight for the monks in Wutai Shan and effectively defeated the plot of Japanese imperialism. “Monk, Lama is also our friend.” In the autumn of 1937, just one hundred and fifteen divisions of the Japanese army who were severely punished, led by political commissar Nie Rongzhen